Sunday, March 2, 2008

It wasn't so bad after all

I was recently glutened at my favorite rest but it only lasted for one day. My stomach started to hurt bad and I felt weak/tired. I tried to "walk it off" and went outside to shovel... hahaha NOT a good idea. That landed me on the couch for a couple hours. (oops)

I post on this blog as a journal for myself and those who are newly diagnosed. So, todays 'point' is that the side effects or reactions are so inconsistent, and, that not every glutening lasts weeks. I really feel much better today.

I am so confused though, I don't have the urge to head for the bathroom, or else. I get the opposite reaction, I can't go to the bathroom most of the time. When, I do get glutened (although it hurts and takes a lot of energy out of me) I go to the bathroom like I'm regular. Well, plus some, but not crazy D.

To this day, I don't feel like I have CD. I really don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I want to test the waters. Thats the last thing I would want to do. It hurts so bad. I just want to know. I guess I don't believe its true. ugh

1 comment:

EAFDF said...

I got glutened when I was traveling in Santa Barbara -- at the hotel, where the fruit was -- it was a bad mistake and my hands and feet swelled up like balloons, started burning, and the rest of my body broke out in red hives. This only lasted about 25 minutes of severe pain, and then about an hour and a half of residue from the glutening.

I don't ever ask myself, why me. There is no point in even questioning that. It is hard to go out to dinner, engage in social outings, or even get a drink without it coming up -- BUT... what we have isn't visible. If we want to, we can hide it, and discrimination only comes when food is circulating. Remember that you had a chance once to taste those products -- there are some that never got that chance even. Be happy that it is livable and that everyday they come out with more products that are gluten free, more advocacy for our rights, and more people know about it.

I never think, why me... I always think... why did it take so long to figure out.