Sunday, January 13, 2008


The B.R.A.T. diet is what you eat when you have stomach ache. I have a stomach ache.
The part about the diet that I hate the most is the bland/dry rice. I need my butter. Can't have it.

Oh wait, do you know what the BRAT diet is? Sorry, its bananas, rice, applesauce, tea/toast.

I'm afraid to eat too much fruit cause people have said a lot of fruit will make you sick. So, how this diet works... no clue. But thats what I'll be eating. wish me luck.

Atleast my food diary will be easy to keep. I hate food diaries.

I'm so negative when I'm sick. It's kinda funny cause when you read a post of when I was feeling good, it's so positive. Good luck trying to find one of those. haha

Oh, I found a website of commercial GF foods and I have been updating my celiac meeting room blog with the lists. It's amazing how many things are GF and I didn't know it. The company phone numbers are there too, which is nice. Maybe I can gather a ton of people to call these companies and update the list. Most of the dates are 2003-2005. I was thinking that we could split it up into groups, then publish for everyone to see. How helpful is that? I wish I had email addresses, thats easier.

I'll go look for the email.

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