Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary to me

It's been a year (ish)

I have to go for my blood work to get the exact details but I just wanted to write a little first.

I think things are getting better. I had a real bad month in January but that's about it. Lately I have been feeling good. Not amazing or super but good. I'm pretty sure I have been consuming some gluten but the effects are no where near what they used to be. I hope this is how it is from here out. Oh man, imagine... you slip up just once and the worst thing that happens to you is 5 minutes on the pot. I can handle that.

Im not even running to the bathroom anymore. Not that I really had that problem before being diagnosed but after. It was only when gluten was present.

I promise to get my blood work this week and give you all the details. For now, Happy Anniversary to me!! One more year and my intestines will be on their way to normal and I can eat dairy again!! yeah. I miss yogurt

Ok. Peace

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