Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh no... Tater tots have WHEAT??


I went to cook tater tots and noticed they have WHEAT listed on them. How did this happen? I thought I checked the label in the store. Last time I looked them up, the website and the employees said they do not contain gluten. They will clearly mark it on the label if they change and all of sudden do use it.

Well that day certainly has come.

The bag of tater tots was open cause last week I made some. That means, I ate the wheat. So why am I not sick? Last time I was sick, it lasted almost 3 weeks and that (I think) was due to CC.

All the more reason to think this disease hates me.

I can't figure all of this out. How long was it before everyone had a good idea of what they were up against?

Do not eat these. They contain WHEAT!!!!!


Mike Eberhart said...

Perhaps there is an outside chance the tater tots only contained wheat starch or wheat dextrin. Both, in their PURE form are theoretically gluten-free, since gluten is the *protein* in wheat, and the starch and dextrin don't contain gluten. Europe accepts pure wheat starch as GF. Even some products here in the USA have wheat and are gluten-free (like, Benefiber is nothing but wheat dextrin - but it is clearly labeled "gluten free").

I have no idea about the Tater Tots in question, but this may help to explain your experience. Hope that helps.

WhyMeCeliac said...

Interesting... Thank you for that info. Once I again, I learn something new.